Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Free Coffee is Free

When someone offers you a cup of coffee, that's nice. When someone gifts you coffee, I think that's thoughtful. When a major fast food chain gives away coffee....I say no thanks. For a limited time McDonald's is giving away small cups of coffee at breakfast. It's a way to promote their McCafe coffees.

I've had McDonald's coffee since the days it came in the horrible styrofoam cups, and tasted like...well...styrofoam. The coffee today comes in a sturdy paper cup and tastes like...well...styrofoam.

When you go to McDonald's one thing I hate about the coffee experience is they do it all for you. You're asked how many creams and how many sugars/sweeteners. They have a machine that takes care of the cream, and you depend on the staff to put in the right amount of extras. I actually prefer doing that.

Their coffee is not fresh coffee. No, fresh coffee doesn't mean they just brewed a fresh pot. There's a difference between fresh coffee and fresh pot. At least with Starbucks, I see them grind the coffee. At McDonald's I'm worried they're storing the coffee next to the potatoes, near a grease trap.

McDonald's coffee is bland. There is nothing unique about the taste. In fairness, I think it's a step above Dunkin Donuts.

I get why people get the coffee - convenience. I've never heard one person ever say, "Hey let's head to Mikey Ds for a cup of coffee." If yo want a good cup of coffee in the morning, think for a moment. What does the company do? They make fast food. What does Starbucks or a coffee house do? They make coffee.

With a free cup of coffee, sometimes you get what you pay for. Skip the coffee at McDonald's.


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