Tuesday, April 29, 2014


I'm a very political person - period. I don't want this blog to be a political blog, but when I see, hear and read about something which I find unjust, I speak out on it. For the last few years the country of Uganda has wrestled with the issue of homosexuality. Several years ago extreme Christian evangelists, led by Scott Lively spoke to anyone of power in Uganda who would listen to them about the evils of homosexuality. To that end the parliament there tossed around legislation which would have enacted a death penalty for being gay, and jail time for those who knew the accused were gay. This is chilling stuff folks.

The new law now in place jails gay people for being gay. Those who know them risk being jailed as well. Newspapers have printed the names of people "suspected" of being gay, who many of those people are being targeted by thugs, mobs, or even the police.

President Obama has spoken out against this, as have many Western leaders. Uganda is defiant.

We coffee lovers understand the need for human rights. We fight for fair trade. We fight for famers to improve their lives and communities. We fight for fairer labor costs, so workers aren't being exploited. We understand human rights.

No one should be jailed, beaten or killed for being gay. How can anyone who calls themselves people of faith advocate such legislation? No one should die because of who they love.

As a gay man, and as a lover of coffee, there is something I can do, even if it's small. I am boycotting Ugandan coffee until these laws are repealed. I fully understand that some of the farmers who produce coffee aren't at fault. I also know though how corrupt Africa is...and money talks. I am talking with my money, and I am asking you all to do the same. Please join me in boycotting Ugandan coffee. Using the #BoycottUgandanCoffee, I hope you will spread the word, that until gay people in Uganda are safe we not buy the country's coffee.

Talk to your coffee houses about not selling Ugandan coffee. Coffee folks who read this blog, if you roast Ugandan coffee, please stop. Contact companies like Intelligentsia, Stumptown, Starbucks, Counter Culture, or you favorite coffee company and ask them not to sell Ugandan coffee.

I hope you will join me in this boycott. Remember to spread the word - #BoycottUgandanCoffee.


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