Monday, May 6, 2013

Today's Cup of Coffee 5-6-2013

I tried many coffees while at CoffeeCON. Most of the ones I didn't taste were the ones being roasted outside the exhibit hall. As I wrote on Saturday, I met Jim Smyth and Jon Parker of JJ Coffee Roasters. I enjoyed talking with them about how they got started, and why they like coffee roasting. For my first post-CoffeeCON reviews, I chose the Colombian Organic coffee they gave me.

Colombian coffee is one of the most common coffees around. It is typically what is sold in grocery stores, or served in restaurants. When you drink coffee, most times this is what is in the average cup. Most Colombian coffees have little aftertaste, and have darker tastes like chocolate or cherry.

So how did Jim and Jon do?

I used this coffee to inaugurate my new french press. My biggest worry was that I would screw up the coffee in trying the french press. Happy to say the french press worked fine. Now for the coffee.

When I opened the bag, I smelled a nice smoky aroma, if coffee could smell rich, this did. As I tasted it,  I felt, and Mark agreed that there was a mocha flavor to it. So really not chocolate, but something a bit deeper than that. It is a pretty smooth coffee. There were hints of a darker fruit(cherry?) In short this tasted like a Colombian should.

On the face slapping scale(love tap to Cher's "Moonstruck" slap), this was a solid 7. So it slaps you awake, with a bit of a sting. I liked this coffee very much. Do the guys have a future in coffee roasting? I would say they do. I would love to see what else they can come up with.

According to their Facebook page they roast a nice variety of coffees, and sell at $6 per half pound, $12 per pound. You can contact them at

You can also visit them on Facebook -


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