Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Yesterday I was accused of being a coffee snob. The person speaking to me(who shall remain nameless), said that because I don't like coffee from places like Dunkin Donuts or McDonald's then I "must be a snob." Let me state and re-state - I am not a coffee snob. Someone who appreciates good coffee, and takes the time to learn the ins and outs of coffee is not a snob.

I like to grind my own beans, as opposed to buying pre-ground, and not so fresh coffee. I do this, because it tastes better to me. Now I understand that most people don't care if their coffee is fresh. They want a cup of joe, and they are happy with what is served them. That's great for them. More power to them.

Dunkin Donuts makes donuts. McDonald's makes burgers. Starbucks makes coffee. Each company has something they do "well" and branching into other areas does not mean they will be good at it.

I also believe in supporting the smaller specialty coffee places over a place like Starbucks. The local roaster is going to have high quality beans. They will take the time to roast the beans. This translates into a fresh, and very satisfying cup of coffee.

At DD and MickeyD's, you have no idea how long the coffee has been ground and in the bags. They also leave coffee out for a significant portion of time, meaning, when you get it, the flavor of the coffee isn't what it should be. However, you will get a decent donut, or a Big Mac.

Instead of hurling the accusation of snob at me, why not try a local coffee roaster's coffee. Try it side by side. I bet you will taste and appreciate the difference. It doesn't make you a snob. It makes you a coffee lover.


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