Wednesday, May 22, 2013


How loyal are you to your local coffee house?

Are you this loyal?

When I went to college in Chicago there were two coffee houses I loved. One was in Lincoln Park, the other in Rogers Park. The one in Lincoln Park was my place to study and play Cribbage with Tully, the owner. I would stay for hours on end, and loved watching Tully in action with customers. I thought at the time, if I owned a coffee house, I would be like him. Of course here's the thing....he got out of the business. He was a good friend, but not a great business owner.

Cathy owned the coffee house in Rogers Park. She was like a mom to me. She made sure I had breakfast, even if I couldn't afford it. She poured her heart into that place. Eventually she sold too.

It's not the place you are loyal to at a coffee house, it's the people. They are part bartender, part friend, part parent, part business owner. You get great coffee(hopefully), and a place to hang out, and people who are good to you.

I totally understand the man in the article not wanting his place to close. Now, would I do that? Would I go into a deep funk....yes. I'm a loyal guy to my coffee houses.


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