Tuesday, January 20, 2015

My Favorite Time of Day

The kitchen is dark and quiet, and then flick, the lights go on, and I am ready to start the day. Making the morning coffee is my favorite time of day. I'm willing to bet some of you feel the same way. We all have a ritual or way to make our coffee, and that is really what gets our day started.

First I fill the kettle with water. We have a Bonvita Kettle, which does a great job of heating the water to the ideal coffee temperature. While the water is heating, I get the coffee ready. Some people weigh coffee. We have a coffee scale, and sometimes I use that. I typically though can eyeball the coffee and then I put it in the grinder. If I used a French Press, I do 4 quick grinds, because you don't want a fine grind with the French Press. If I use the Chemex, I do 5 quick grinds. 

Once the water is done, the fun and magic begin. No matter which process, this is my routine. I pour just a little of the water to get the grounds moist. This allows the coffee to bloom. I don't pour additional water for about 10 seconds. Then it's a slow pour, in a circular motion. If I'm using the Chemex, I pour to a certain point, and then let the coffee drip into the carafe. Once that is done, then I pour more.

If I am using the French Press, I slowly pour the water in, and when I am done, I let the coffee sit for 4 minutes. Once the time is up, I stir it a bit, and then I put in the plunger. If the plunger goes down easy, I know I ground the coffee correctly. If it is struggling a bit to go down, then I ground the coffee too fine. 

I pour the coffee in the cups, and put the Splenda and Cream in. Then I head to the bedroom. Mark gets his coffee on his night table and then I put mine on my table. Then we can both drink to our heart's content. The first sip lets me know if it is: 1)good coffee, 2) did I do everything correctly, 3) I'm in coffee heaven. 

I think rituals like this are a nice part of our lives. They are something we do for us, and that's why it's such a pleasurable experience. I like focusing on the coffee, because it allows me to just be in the moment at the start of the day. I don't have to worry about anything. 

Now....I suggest you go make your coffee, and take it easy and sip away.


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