Monday, January 5, 2015

Bulletproof Coffee

Have you tried Bulletproof Coffee? Do you know what I'm talking about. Seems the new trend in the coffee world is to try Bulletproof Coffee. Take one cup of coffee, add 1-2 teaspoons of butter instead of cream or milk, and you have Bulletproof Coffee.

The claims on this coffee are it promotes weight loss and mental clarity.

I can't speak to the so-called benefits to this. I can speak to coffee though. This sounds disgusting, and a way to ruin a perfectly good cup of coffee. I would think there would be an oily, slimy-ness to the coffee. As for the taste, I like butter, but not in my coffee. I want my coffee to be coffee. The most adventurous I can be with coffee, is a bit of soy creamer in my cup.

Now, I admit I am being closed minded to this. If some of you have tried it, I would be willing to post your thoughts on this drink. You have a long way to go to convince me that coffee and butter are a good tasting combination.


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