Sunday, January 27, 2013

$11,000 Coffee....Really?

This morning I was reading this article....

Harrods is selling a coffee fermented through a civet cat's digestive system for $11,000. I have had this coffee, and there is nothing about it that tastes like it is worth $11,000. Oh Harrods!

There are some wonderful coffees in this world which are in the $30-$50 per pound range. I dare say though that there are also wonderful coffees which costs under $20 a pound, and I am willing to bet that unless you have an amazing palette, you would not know the difference. So what should you be spending on coffee? Really that is up to you.

I am fine spending $12-$18 a bag for coffee. I have spent $4 a bag for coffee, and in that case, you get what you pay for. I say break it down into how many cups you will get out of the bag of coffee. If you get 25 cups of coffee out of a $18 a bag coffee, that will be under $1 a cup(compare to what you pay at Starbucks).

I have very few luxuries in this world, but I know I want good coffee. I just don't want $11,000 coffee.


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