Monday, June 9, 2014

How Much is Too Much?

For the last couple of months, the coffee world has been talking about the possible higher prices of coffee, and how various happenings may affect smaller specialty roasters. Coffee rust in Central and South America, as well as drought in Brazil is threatening our pocketbooks. Companies like Starbucks most likely won't be raising prices, because they are able to lock in prices for a period. Smaller roasters are more vulnerable to higher prices, and will have to hike the price for their coffee. The question much is too much for a cup of coffee.

Let me clarify. I'm not talking about espresso drinks, which are already in the $5 arena. I mean a cuppa joe. At the average coffee house, I pay $2-2.50 range. Some places offer a pour over for $3(same size cup as the drip). At what point is that visit too expensive for you?

What about buying beans for home? Currently I draw the line at $18 for a bag of coffee - especially if it isn't a pound.  Just Coffee's Ugandan Pride was $11. Stone Creek is in the $13-$15 range. Intelligentsia is around $20, sometimes more. As much as I love Intelligentsia, they are priced out of range for me. While I understand I am still paying less per cup than if I go buy a cup of coffee, or a K-Cup, I look at what I think is affordable for a weekly purchase.

If coffee gets t o $4 a cup, I may have to find a new drink, because that's a tough price for me to say, that is worth getting everyday.

What is too much for you?


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