Monday, May 5, 2014

Coffee Review: Stone Creek's Milwaukee Blend

Yesterday I reviewed Stone Creek Coffee's Garden Blend, which I came away amazed. The problem is how do you review another one of their coffees after that kind of review? In this case, you block out one, and focus on the current one.

Today we are drinking their Milwaukee Blend. I don't live in Milwaukee, but I will hazard a guess that this is one they serve a lot in their coffee houses; however this is NO Pike Roast(thank goodness).

When you open the bag, there is a smokey aroma that hits you hard. You would think this means the coffee will have a smokey flavor. It doesn't.

This blend is Typica and Bourbon, from Africa and South America. It's been washed and sun dried. It's a bit of a darker roast, but not a dark roast. The darker roast promotes a fuller body.  Stone Creek says the notes are Chocolate, spice and dark fruit. I get the Chocolate. It's not a creamy Chocolate, but it isn't a bitter Chocolate either. Imagine a fine dark chocolate with a hint of bitter. The spiciness hits you at the start, and not as much at the finish. Dark fruit? Not sure if I got that.

Down to business..... If you're going to name a coffee after a city, I assume there is something you get in the coffee, which describes the place. Milwaukee is a pretty working class town, that endures some long Winters, and has a lot of fun in the Summer. This is a great heading to work coffee. Maybe you're meeting Laverne and Shirley at the beer company, and you need a cuppa joe. This is it. This is a wake you up coffee. This isn't a dainty cup you serve the ladies at bridge. It could be a night of poker though, but I know at poker's beer.

On our Cher scale, this is a 10 - slapping Nicolas Cage and telling him to "Snap outta it."

I really like this coffee. Gosh darn it Stone Creek is 3 for 3 in their coffees I've had. They are the real deal, and the coffee world needs to know more about them.


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