Monday, May 19, 2014

Coffee Review: Stone Creek Coffee Rwanda Seasonal 2014

Over the weekend I reviewed Stone Creek's Brazilian coffee, which is very tasty. Today I look at another of their offerings, which is a very different coffee. Their Rwanda coffee is a 2014 seasonal offering, and like other Rwandan coffees I've had this year, this is a unique coffee, which is another reason I think Rwanda is becoming more and more a great coffee producer.

Stone Creek's is a Red Bourbon, and is from Dukunde Kawa Cooperative on Gakenke, Rwanda. It's grown at altitudes ranging from 1800m-2200m. It's been fully washed and patio dried.

Like a good many coffees from Africa, this one has a tea-like quality, but this isn't like previous Rwandan coffees I've had, it has a darker tea sense. This isn't a flowery, herbal tasting coffee. It's a darker, richer taste. Stone Creek says there are notes of Tangerine, Red Currant and Toasted Walnut. There is a Tangerine essence to the coffee, which I think over takes the other two notes they describe.

It's a lighter medium than the Brazilian I had over the weekend. It's also a mellower coffee. Don't let the mellowness fool you. A lighter roast brings out more of the caffeine, and this has plenty to wake you up in the morning. On our Cher scale of strength, this is Cher knocking people's socks off the year she won the Academy Award for "Moonstruck" a 7.

This is a really good cup of coffee. Now and then I make some food suggestions for coffee. This would make a great brunch coffee. It would pair well with a good many branchy items. I would take advantage of this coffee, as it's a seasonal offering. When they're out, they're out.

Stone Creek Coffee, as I've mentioned before is doing some great things with coffee. People of Milwaukee should be showing them some love. More importantly, so should you.


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