Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Coffee Rant: Room for Cream

Today I got coffee to go at a non-Starbucks establishment. The barista asked me if I wanted room for cream. I did. She handed me the cup, and asked, "Is that enough room?" It was!

Now this may not seem like a big deal to you, but I get REALLY upset when I ask for room for cream at Starbucks, and they fill it all the way to the top. If I'm in my car going through the drive through, this means coffee will spill, and I usually feel something hot and wet on my leg as I drive.

If I'm inside and ask for room, then I find I have to dump some coffee out before I leave the store. If I don't, then the hot and wet feeling on my leg will happen.

Come on Starbucks...room for cream does not mean fill it to the top so it spills through little drinking hole. I know there is no universal measurement for the room part, but doesn't common sense tell you that you shouldn't fill it to the top? I mean really.

Baristas who may read this, might I suggest actually leaving room for cream?



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