Sunday, August 10, 2014

A World for the Young

In the 1.5 years I've been writing about coffee, I have noticed something, coffee appears to be for the young. When I look at websites, articles, features, or even when I go into most coffee houses, the people working in the industry are young. I'm talking people in their 20s and 30s. I find that both exciting, and somewhat intimidating.

I find it exciting, because coffee is the kind of industry where creativity flourishes, and new ideas come bursting on the scene. This typically comes from a younger mindset. I love watching the direction coffee is moving. The blending of science, engineering and art is fascinating to me.

Now before the over 30 set gets all huffy, I know you are out there too. I know you too are creative and making exciting things happen in the coffee world. The coffee media is showing more young people then. Maybe we in the over 30 world need better press agents? :-)

Here is what is intimidating. Is there room for someone in mid-life(if it starts at 40) who wants to join in the fun? Do they fit in with the twenty somethings? I find in time that people over 40 have less and less in common with the younger generation. Yes, I apologize for sound like an 80 year old man at the moment.

Where do I see most older workers in coffee? Starbucks. God bless Starbucks for hiring older workers. I would like to see these people though at Intelligentsia, Stumptown, or other innovative up and comers. Old dogs can learn new tricks and want to learn new tricks.

I figure though the age of the workers is more in line with the economics of life. Baristas, and other folks in the coffeehouses are making closer to minimum wage. A 45, 55 or 65 year old needs to make more. So I understand why it looks like there are so many young people in the industry.

Still there has to be a role the older generation can play in this movement.


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