Friday, March 29, 2013

Today's Cup of Coffee 3/29/2013

In deciding what coffee to have this week, we decided to get a different coffee from the fine folks at the Second Chance Coffee Company with their I Have a Bean brand. I wrote about them a couple weeks ago.

Initially we tried their Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Adado FTO. That coffee had a tea-like quality. I liked it, but it isn't a coffee I would get on a regular basis. This time we got Peru Norte FTO.

In their descriptions of the coffee, chocolate places a pretty large role in the flavor and the aroma. According to their website:

"In the cup, the flavors chocolate, caramel and nut combine with the soft notes of fig and spice." "Flavors linger with a very pleasant, slightly smoky finish."

So what did I encounter in this coffee?

This coffee has more body and a stronger flavor than the Ethiopian. I suspect the roast is more of a darker roast. That comes though. When I opened the bag, my nose was struck by the smoky aroma, which I liked a great deal. If I like what I smell, then I can't want to start grinding it.

Maybe I have had too many caramels in my life, but I rarely taste that in my coffee. In this coffee, I get the sense of the chocolate, and the nutty flavor. Fig? I need to eat something other than Fig Newtons to know if I am tasting fig. (Note: for those new to the blog, I am a pretty basic "how does it taste" guy. Maybe I need some more refinement :-) )

Here is the bottom line - I love this coffee. I love the aroma when it is whole bean, when it is ground, and when it is in the cup. This is a fairly strong cup of coffee. On the face slapping scale 1-10, 1 being a mere brush, and 10 being a Cher slaps Nicholas Cage in "Moonstruck," this is a 7.

I Have a Bean is making some great coffee folks. Try some, and spread the word.


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