Saturday, February 2, 2013

My Coffee Maker

When I grew up my folks had either a Mr. Coffee or a Bunn coffee maker. For the time, that was the best there was for at home brewing. At least there didn't seem to be as many options as there are now.

Now and then I am asked what do we have at home for coffee making. We have a Breville You Brew System.

We love it. We load the beans in the top of the machine. The beans eventually go into an integrated burr grinder, then into the filter, then the brewing begins. There are various settings for cups, strength and flavor of coffee. We have it set just shy of SUPER STRONG. Ok, there isn't that setting, but if there were, we would be just under that. There is also a timer, so we can set it for when we wake up. No going downstairs to start the coffee. It's done we make it down.

The thermal pot keeps the coffee warm for hours. If we don't want a pot, we can make one cup at a time. Now if it could put the Splenda and soy creamer in for us too, then we would be all set. I guess you still need humans for some things.

Have we thought about the Siphons, or Chemex systems? Yes, and we may expand to those in the future. This coffee maker though fits our lives and works very well.

My dad gave this to us in a continuing effort to improve our coffee efforts. One of the best gifts he has given us.


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