Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Today's Cup of Coffee 2/6/2013

This week we are having a Kona Blend courtesy of Target. Target sells coffee labeled as Archer Farms, which comes from Coffee Bean International(CBI). I have had this coffee previously, but it's been a while.

Kona Blend is a lighter roast, but I found this one very full bodied. I know it says Kona, but there is no hint of pineapple(hehehehe). I've been trying to figure what the aftertaste is, there was a bit a smokiness to it, but it didn't taste burnt or anything like that.

CBI coffee, from what I have read, is able to preserve quite a bit of the freshness of the coffee. One writer said that it might hold 75% of its freshness. Is that something the average drinker would realize as they sip this cup of coffee? Probably not. As I drink more and more freshly roasted coffee though, I can tell. It isn't enough for me not to drink this again. At the same time it isn't the $3.99 a bag special I saw of White Castle Coffee today(for the record if their coffee tastes anything like a slider, then they should be shot).

Overall a decent cup of coffee this morning. If you are on a budget, the $6.29 a bag is a pretty good price. For about $1 more, they offer fair trade varieties of coffee at Target.


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