Friday, January 17, 2014

The Anticipation of the First Cup

One of the things I think about before my head hits the pillow each night, is that first cup of coffee in the morning. What addiction? If I have different coffees in the house, I think about which one to brew and how to brew it. Mark doesn't think about it, because he is just happy to have a good cup of coffee that doesn't have Folgers on the label.

What I like about trying different brewing methods is actually watching it happen. To be honest, it's pretty boring to sit in front of your Mr. Coffee and watch coffee come down from a mysterious covered cone. Once you use a French Press or Chemex, you feel more involved in the process and it's like you're creating something.

Did I mention grinding the beans? You got to measure that right, and then it's a game. You want to grind just right, not too fine, not too coarse.

Then there's that first sip.....did you make it right? Is too strong? Is it weak? You just want to be sure you made a good cup of coffee. Then you sip it....and 9 times out of 10...Ahhhhhhhhh!

I know there is an art to coffee making, I mean come on, look at all the cool crewing methods. Maybe that plays into it? Maybe it's just an obsession.  Still I love waiting for the first cup of the day.


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