Friday, January 24, 2014

I'll Have a Vanilla Hazelnut Peppermint Cherry Flavored Coffee

There are coffee people out there who gasp at the thought of putting Splenda and Soy Creamer into coffee. I sometimes call those people snobs. They're the folks who take coffee black, so they can taste all the natural taste they can out of it. They thumb their nose at anything that isn't the pure coffee.

I don't consider myself a snob, but there is one thing I hate - flavored coffee. It doesn't matter to me what kind of shot you put in the coffee, I think it just ruins the coffee. To be clear, I'm not talking about coffee drinks like lattes, or mochas. I mean coffee.

So what's the problem? Years ago, when I was Cappuccino Maker to the Stars, the cafe where I worked brewed Hazelnut coffee. It smelled fine. I like the smell combination. The taste? O!M!G! That was some nasty stuff. It tasted like brown hazelnut flavored water. If you let it sit a bit, it tasted even worse - like brown hazelnut flavored water, with a hint of cardboard.

If you need all those flavors covering the flavor of the coffee, why are you drinking the coffee? You have lost what is unique about coffee. When you put something in the coffee, I think it should be to enhance, not cover the flavor. It's like makeup(you ladies will understand this), you want to enhance your beauty, not cover it to the point you look like Tammy Faye crying on TV.

That farmer in Costa Rica, Brazil, Indoneisa or Ethiopia would be shocked at what we do to the product they worked so hard to cultivate. My suggestion? Back away form the syrup. Sugar, sweetener, cream, milk, soy creamer, are fine, or just simply black. My other suggestion? Have some coffee with your extras, and savor the coffee.


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