So how did Jim and Jon do?
I used this coffee to inaugurate my new french press. My biggest worry was that I would screw up the coffee in trying the french press. Happy to say the french press worked fine. Now for the coffee.
When I opened the bag, I smelled a nice smoky aroma, if coffee could smell rich, this did. As I tasted it, I felt, and Mark agreed that there was a mocha flavor to it. So really not chocolate, but something a bit deeper than that. It is a pretty smooth coffee. There were hints of a darker fruit(cherry?) In short this tasted like a Colombian should.
On the face slapping scale(love tap to Cher's "Moonstruck" slap), this was a solid 7. So it slaps you awake, with a bit of a sting. I liked this coffee very much. Do the guys have a future in coffee roasting? I would say they do. I would love to see what else they can come up with.
According to their Facebook page they roast a nice variety of coffees, and sell at $6 per half pound, $12 per pound. You can contact them at jjcoffeeroasters@yahoo.com.
You can also visit them on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pages/JJ-Coffee-Roasters/287496531260427
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