Thursday, May 16, 2013

A New Direction

This is a two-fold post. One is about a new direction for the coffee business. The second is about me.

This week I was emailed, linked, or told about a story in the NY Times, regarding Intelligentsia and Stumptown.

In short, not only are both business moving into Manhattan, but they are re-creating the coffeehouse in an inventive way. Coffee lovers will now have options they previously didn't have in a coffeehouse. At Stumptown you'll be able to have any coffee you like, brewed in any manner you like. You pick the coffee, you pick the brew method. 

At Intelligentsia, you will have the daily coffee available. Now, if you want something else, the barista will have a second option for you, that they cupped that day, and they will brew it in the manner best suits the coffee. 

I think this is a total win-win all around. First, this sets these two apart from every other coffeehouse, not just in New York City, but anywhere. It makes them unique, and it will drive business. Second, the coffee lover should be in Heaven over this news. Who wouldn't want this in their town? Third, this puts a lot of the decision making in the hands of the barista. They are now the expert and can guide the consumer towards a really good coffee, possibly one they haven't experienced. Take that Starbucks!

As for me, I am taking a new direction in my coffee journey. Today I start barista training. Never fear runner friends, I am not leaving the running world. This is a part time job, which may eventually lead to something more permanent(you never know). This was something I wanted to try, and am really looking forward to it. 

Just as I do with my running blog, I won't be writing about the specifics of where I work, or anything about the workplace itself. I will share my experiences, and how it is helping me grow as a coffee lover. I don't use my blog for a work discussion. 

Very excited about this new part of my journey, and I look forward to becoming more a part of the coffee community.


1 comment:

  1. As soon as you said "barista training" I thought "well, duh, why has it taken this long?" Such an obvious choice. Glad you're going there. :)
