Saturday, January 12, 2013

The K- Cup

In the last few years we have seen the growth of the single serve coffee makers. Many are known as "K-Cups", due to Keurig's success in this field. Now we see single serve coffees from Green Mountain, Starbucks. Dunkin Donuts, etc.

The machines are convenient. If you can't have a coffee maker, or if don't want/can't to go to the local coffee house, these are simple to use. There are some things to note about the coffee in these cups. Depending on the cup you are using, there is between 5-10 grams of coffee in a cup. That's not a lot of coffee, and that small amount of coffee adds up cost wise.

Oliver Strand who was written on coffee for the New York Times has looked into this, and he estimates people are spending $51 a pound on coffee in these cups. Let's say you go to Intelligentsia, Stumptown, or another specialty roaster, you may be paying $15-$20 per pound for coffee. One way to lower the cost, is to grind your own coffee for the cups. Truth be told you will be getting fresher and better coffee if you do it this way.

With a pound of coffee, you typically get 20-25 cups of coffee. With K-Cups, you are getting between 10-16 cups depending on which one you buy. Again, from a cost standpoint, getting regular coffee makes more sense.

Now it may seem I am making the argument to not own these machines. I'm not. I think if you just want a cup, don't want to deal with the mess of coffee grounds, and want it fast, this is a way to go. The coffee is ok taste wise. But if you are thinking K-Cups are a way to save money....think again.



  1. Love our Keruig but no longer buy the costly pods. We now buy Starbucks coffee and use this filter to keep costs down. In the old days when we brewed a half pot of coffee we found we were wasting and throwing half down the drain. The Keruig makes having just a cup easy and economical.

  2. I suppose it saves money if the usual alternative is buying a cup at a coffee shop?
