Friday, November 7, 2014

Room for Cream are in line at the local coffee establishment, dreaming of your next cup of java. You're next and you order your cup of delicious coffee. The counterperson asks if you need room for cream, and you say "yes!" You get your cup, and once you take the lid off, you see that the "room" they've given you would only work if you were using a half thimble of cream. In order for you to put cream in the coffee, you have to dump some in the garbage. WTF?

Next, you are going through the drive through, and you tell them room for cream. You get the coffee, and the room you had for cream is no room at all. In fact your coffee is spilling all over the car, because there was NO room for the cream. Again, WTF?

Dear coffee establishments, please teach your baristas/counter people that room for cream should mean there is some room between the top of the cup and the coffee. My car now has permanent coffee smell from all the mess you have caused. Oh, and that lovely green stopper Starbucks? Toilet paper could do a better job.

I think a fair amount of room for cream would the two thumbs width. Now this doesn't mean I want baristas to stick thumbs in our coffee. I just think that should be a guide to how much room there should be.

Come on.....who is with me?


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