Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A Bit Steamed

Sorry it's been a bit of time since I last posted. Sometimes the world gets in the way. ...

I am a bit steamed as I write this. This morning I read this article....

So Ralph Lauren is getting into the coffee business? What on Earth for? Is the fashion world that boring, that you have to sell overpriced coffee, with Polo label on it?

Perhaps I'm being uncharitable? Maybe the coffee is outstanding, and I need to be quiet? Nope. Sorry. There are too many smaller independent roasters out there who have a hard enough time fighting the good fight, and creating good coffee.

I know there are specialty roasters in New York, but let me ponder what it means at home in Indy. Let's sat Sir Ralph gets it in his Polo-head that he needs to expand. I'd like to think the good people of Indianapolis would be happy they have Bee Coffee Roasters, Kaffeine Coffee Co., Hubbard and Cravens or Mile Square Coffee.

Scratch that, I can see the denizens of some the finer areas trotting out to the Fashion Mall and clamoring for a preppy cup of coffee. They'd fork over $5 for the Polo cup alone.

Again, maybe I'm ranting for no good reason, but it seems to me there are artisans out there who deserve your love. Ralph Lauren doesn't.
