Saturday, August 9, 2014

My Coffee Life Today

Needless to say(but I will say it) I love coffee. I could probably do a pot a day if I really wanted to. I think there are days I have. Since the heart attack a month ago, my coffee habit has changed a bit. It is funny that so many people asked me if I could still have coffee. I guess that speaks loudly of my love of coffee. To be honest, it was one of my first 10 questions I asked the doctor.

Yes, I can drink coffee. I am limited though. I can have two cups a day. I can drink more decaf though. I'm sure most thought this would be a challenge for me, but it isn't. I plan my coffee now, and I feel I enjoy coffee more because of it. If I have a must have cup, it would be when I first wake up. It's what I look forward to when I go to bed the night before.

The second cup is more optional. If I want it later in the day, my next cup is decaf, otherwise, it would be right after the first cup. Here is where French Press brewing is a good thing. I regulate better how much coffee I make, and it isn't sitting around like in a coffee pot.

When I get decaf, I search for one that tastes like coffee. That seems to be a challenge. So far the winner is a Counter Culture Decaf. If anyone has suggestions, I am always wiling to try. Decaf, for the most part, tastes like imitation coffee. I challenge all my roasting friends to produce a Decaf that is coffee worthy.

Having a heart attack is about lifestyle change, but it should not be so restrictive that you can't enjoy life. I think a good many people with heart disease only see the bad in change. I have found in this case, that change is actually better.


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