Sunday, June 29, 2014

Coffee On a Budget

Sometimes you can't get the $18 a bag coffee, and that's ok. You then need to decide what coffee you will get, and how to brew it. These days a good many of us think the K-Cup is the way to go. It's actually wasteful, expensive overall, and not fresh. Is that really a value? No.

First get some whole bean coffee. Today we are drinking Eight O'Clock Coffee. For the $4.99 I paid, it isn't bad. The key is I got it whole bean. The hope is this is much fresher coffee than the ground. Remember, once coffee is ground, it's getting stale at light speed.

Grind your coffee, and figure your brewing method. We use French Press most of the time, and feel that brings out a lot of great flavors, more so than automatic drip. Chemex would change the flavor considerably. If you have all three, try each one, and see the difference.

Again I go back to the bean. A good many of us get a canister of ground coffee. Your throwing money away by doing that. For less than $20 you can get a decent grinder, and grind the coffee yourself. Trust me, your coffee on a budget will taste much better if you do this.


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