In deciding what coffee to have this week, we decided to get a different coffee from the fine folks at the Second Chance Coffee Company with their I Have a Bean brand. I wrote about them a couple weeks ago.
Initially we tried their Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Adado FTO. That coffee had a tea-like quality. I liked it, but it isn't a coffee I would get on a regular basis. This time we got Peru Norte FTO.
In their descriptions of the coffee, chocolate places a pretty large role in the flavor and the aroma. According to their website:
"In the cup, the flavors chocolate, caramel and nut combine with the soft notes of fig and spice." "Flavors linger with a very pleasant, slightly smoky finish."
So what did I encounter in this coffee?
This coffee has more body and a stronger flavor than the Ethiopian. I suspect the roast is more of a darker roast. That comes though. When I opened the bag, my nose was struck by the smoky aroma, which I liked a great deal. If I like what I smell, then I can't want to start grinding it.
Maybe I have had too many caramels in my life, but I rarely taste that in my coffee. In this coffee, I get the sense of the chocolate, and the nutty flavor. Fig? I need to eat something other than Fig Newtons to know if I am tasting fig. (Note: for those new to the blog, I am a pretty basic "how does it taste" guy. Maybe I need some more refinement :-) )
Here is the bottom line - I love this coffee. I love the aroma when it is whole bean, when it is ground, and when it is in the cup. This is a fairly strong cup of coffee. On the face slapping scale 1-10, 1 being a mere brush, and 10 being a Cher slaps Nicholas Cage in "Moonstruck," this is a 7.
I Have a Bean is making some great coffee folks. Try some, and spread the word.
I have spent a lifetime enjoying coffee, now I want to really study it. Join me as I learn more about the art, science and joy of coffee. I am not a coffee expert, and I am only just approaching coffee geekdom.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Equality Thank You
Thank you Metropolis Coffee in Chicago. I saw this on your Facebook page.
Thank you Howard Schultz for standing up for LGBT people at your recent shareholder's meeting.
My partner Mark and I greatly appreciate all the support out there for marriage equality.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Win Tickets to CoffeeCon2013
CoffeeCON 2013 is coming soon, Saturday, May 4 to be exact. CoffeeCON is a one day event where coffee lovers like you and I gather and learn about all things coffee. I have been invited to be an official blogger of the event, and will be reporting on all the day’s activities.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
"God in a Cup"
Adventures in exotic countries, three driven men on a quest, passion, betrayal, heartache, ego, and a Geisha, all sound like the makings of action adventure film, Instead this is a story about coffee. Michaele Weissman’s 2008 book, “God in a Cup: The Obsessive Quest for the Perfect Coffee” is a detailed look at how three leaders in the specialty coffee world are constantly in search of their ideal, or perfect coffee. To be honest, it’s more than that. “God in a Cup” is a frank essay on the state of the coffee industry.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Today's Cup of Coffee 3/22/2013
This morning I purchased a bold pick of the day from Starbucks. This was their Tribute Coffee. I have had this before, and I think it's fine. What happened though was not fine.
I thought the coffee had an odd taste to it, like not what I have had before in a Tribute. Still I sipped it. 30 minutes later I felt like I was going to throw up. The smell of the coffee makes me feel dizzy and sick. I tried to drink it, thinking this was just a momentary thing, but now when I drink it, a few minutes later the same feeling comes back.
Bad beans? Bad water? Bad brewing? Can anyone shed light on this?
I have contacted Starbucks to let them know this happened. Will let you know what they say.
I thought the coffee had an odd taste to it, like not what I have had before in a Tribute. Still I sipped it. 30 minutes later I felt like I was going to throw up. The smell of the coffee makes me feel dizzy and sick. I tried to drink it, thinking this was just a momentary thing, but now when I drink it, a few minutes later the same feeling comes back.
Bad beans? Bad water? Bad brewing? Can anyone shed light on this?
I have contacted Starbucks to let them know this happened. Will let you know what they say.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Dear White Castle
Dear White Castle,
Your "hamburgers" have a certain reputation for what they do to one's digestive system. Now I see you are selling coffee?
For all that is good in this world, please don't do this to coffee beans! Some poor farmer has broken his back to produce a nice product, and Lord knows what you are doing to it. Please....stop.
Your "hamburgers" have a certain reputation for what they do to one's digestive system. Now I see you are selling coffee?
For all that is good in this world, please don't do this to coffee beans! Some poor farmer has broken his back to produce a nice product, and Lord knows what you are doing to it. Please....stop.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Coffee Party USA
This morning we were visited by my friend Kris, and an assortment of brewing techniques. We called it our coffee party!
You will see the usual suspects ranging from Chemex to French press. The idea was we would try coffee based on the brewing technique. The two coffees we used were a decaf espresso and a Peruvian coffee, both roasted by Kris.
Our first trial was the espresso, using the Chemex and the Hario. Part of my coffee journey is to learn an understand the various brewing techniques. The more advanced coffee lovers will already know what I am talking about, but the newer people are in the same boat I'm in. So I apologize to those who may be more advanced in the coffee world.
With the Chemex system, coffee will only come into contact with the filter and a non-porous glass. This system is designed to take a lot of the impurities and bitterness out of coffee. In our tasting today, we found that the flavor of the espresso was very mellow. There was little bite to it.
With the Hario, the cone shape adds what they call "depth" to the coffee. There is a larger hole where the coffee drips into the pot. The size of the hole can dictate the change the taste of coffee, based on how it is flowing into the pot.
So which method did we prefer. All three of us decided the Hario made the espresso taste fuller, more like what we would expect an espresso roast to taste like.
Next we compared the Hario to the porcelain drip system(second left in the picture above. The difference between the two systems is the Hario has a larger hole. The porcelain drip system has a tiny hole. Kris told me the porcelain system is one she sees most coffee houses use for a pour over.
Again in this case the Hario seemed to have the better taste, however it was closer this time, and I don't believe it was unanimous. In theory the smaller hole drip process would seem to have a better taste and flavor, because the water has more time to interact with the coffee before it goes into the cup or pot. I will only speak for me, I thought the Hario was much better.
For our next test, we ground the Peruvian coffee, and we used the French Press and the Clever Coffee Dripper.
These systems take more time. The both have a filter which prevents grounds from getting into the coffee. Still some ground can make their way to the bottom of the cup.
I believe we were all in agreement that we liked both of these of all the methods we tried today. The coffee tasted stronger to us. We liked the bite and fullness of the coffee.
I wouldn't turn down any coffee from any of the brewing techniques we had today, but for me, I preferred the French Press the best. It tasted more like coffee from my coffee maker. Of course this may more the more refined drinker cringe by my saying that, but hey, my blog, my likes. :-)
This was a terrific morning. We all got a bit overloaded on coffee. I think professional cuppers and tasters have stronger stomachs than we do. Still it was fascinating to see what a difference a cup of coffee is based on the brewing method.
You will see the usual suspects ranging from Chemex to French press. The idea was we would try coffee based on the brewing technique. The two coffees we used were a decaf espresso and a Peruvian coffee, both roasted by Kris.
Our first trial was the espresso, using the Chemex and the Hario. Part of my coffee journey is to learn an understand the various brewing techniques. The more advanced coffee lovers will already know what I am talking about, but the newer people are in the same boat I'm in. So I apologize to those who may be more advanced in the coffee world.
With the Chemex system, coffee will only come into contact with the filter and a non-porous glass. This system is designed to take a lot of the impurities and bitterness out of coffee. In our tasting today, we found that the flavor of the espresso was very mellow. There was little bite to it.
With the Hario, the cone shape adds what they call "depth" to the coffee. There is a larger hole where the coffee drips into the pot. The size of the hole can dictate the change the taste of coffee, based on how it is flowing into the pot.
So which method did we prefer. All three of us decided the Hario made the espresso taste fuller, more like what we would expect an espresso roast to taste like.
Next we compared the Hario to the porcelain drip system(second left in the picture above. The difference between the two systems is the Hario has a larger hole. The porcelain drip system has a tiny hole. Kris told me the porcelain system is one she sees most coffee houses use for a pour over.
Again in this case the Hario seemed to have the better taste, however it was closer this time, and I don't believe it was unanimous. In theory the smaller hole drip process would seem to have a better taste and flavor, because the water has more time to interact with the coffee before it goes into the cup or pot. I will only speak for me, I thought the Hario was much better.
For our next test, we ground the Peruvian coffee, and we used the French Press and the Clever Coffee Dripper.
These systems take more time. The both have a filter which prevents grounds from getting into the coffee. Still some ground can make their way to the bottom of the cup.
I believe we were all in agreement that we liked both of these of all the methods we tried today. The coffee tasted stronger to us. We liked the bite and fullness of the coffee.
I wouldn't turn down any coffee from any of the brewing techniques we had today, but for me, I preferred the French Press the best. It tasted more like coffee from my coffee maker. Of course this may more the more refined drinker cringe by my saying that, but hey, my blog, my likes. :-)
This was a terrific morning. We all got a bit overloaded on coffee. I think professional cuppers and tasters have stronger stomachs than we do. Still it was fascinating to see what a difference a cup of coffee is based on the brewing method.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Today's Cup of Coffee 3/18/2013
Today we have opened the coffee I received last week from Second Chance Coffee Company. Their I Have a Bean brand is what they produce. I wrote about this company last week, and their efforts to not only roast outstanding coffee, but they hire people trying to rebuild their lives, after having served time in prison. Pete Leonard was generous enough to ship me some of his coffee - Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Adato FTO.
I Have a Bean describes the coffee as follows:
Smooth, honey, stone fruit. Aromas of honey and apricot. Buttery smooth mouth feel with nut, malt and honey prevalent. Slightly dry with a clean tea-like finish.
For coffee lovers around the world this region in Ethiopia is known for some of the best coffee in the world. Typically this coffee undergoes wet processing. Wet processing involves first washing off the coffee cherry in order to remove the fleshy material on the fruit. This is one after harvest while the fruit is still moist. This help remove the pulp inside the cherry. the next step removes the mucilage via fermentation. Once fermentation is complete the beans are dried. This lowers the moisture content of the coffee bean.
With the backstory out of the is the coffee? I am not sure if I have had coffee from this region, though I suspect I did, but it sure didn't taste like this. This is a mellow cup of coffee, of any of the flavors listed above come to mind, it is tea-like finish. It tastes like a darker tea, more than a traditional coffee taste. This isn't a bad comment(for those who know where I stand on tea). I enjoy this coffee a great deal.
It isn't a coffee which will jolt you awake in the morning, but if you want to ease into the day, I think this is an ideal coffee. Add this to the list of coffees I enjoy.
Second Chance is about using the top 1% of beans to roast and sell to the public, I think they are on target with this one.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Let’s talk fresh for a moment...
- Leave your coffee in a bag, or a dark container that is airtight. You want to keep oxygen away from your coffee.
- Leaving it in an airtight bag/container also keep moisture from hitting the coffee.
- Don’t put your coffee in the freezer. My folks did this, because they thought it preserved the coffee. Sorry that only works with the meats, veggies and ice cream. Coffee will become stale faster if moistures gets in and condenses onto the beans.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Coffee Travels
When my parents traveled they usually based the success of the trip on the following: was the coffee good, was the food good, did they like what they saw? Yes, it was in that order. My folks didn’t travel on the cheap like I do. Typically they would be on a tour sponsored by Northwestern University or the University of Notre Dame. So you know these were not youth hostel, backpacking travels.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Today's Cup of Coffee 3/14/2013

Transparency is a must for Just Coffee Cooperative. With every bag of coffee, you get a code on the back, which allows you to trace the coffee. Transparency is a difficult issue in the coffee world, because not all coffee companies want to reveal what they are truly paying for a pound of coffee. The cooperative puts it all on their bag, and you can check everything out on their website. Typically, they are paying farmers between $2.50-$4.50 a pound. Latest prices are in the $1.40 a pound area. Also the cooperative posts all of their financials and talks freely about contract with their farmers on their website. In the future, I will write more about the issues at stake that Just Coffee is working on.
Today though it's about "Runner's High" coffee. Here is how they describe the coffee:
Medium roasted fair trade and organic coffees from Mexico, Colombia and Ethiopia.
Tasting notes: Runner's High will prep you for miles with it's sensational flavor notes including golden raisin, vanilla rooibos tea, pumpkin, cayenne pepper and toasted hazelnut. It hits the palate with enough acidity to provide the energy for a run and the root beer-esque sweetness and body to satisfy your coffee jones.
To learn more about Just Coffee Cooperative go to -
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Great Coffee and a Second Chance

Saturday, March 9, 2013
The Journey So Far - March 2013
I started this blog in January as a way to document and share my coffee journey. What a couple of months it has been. Friends and family can joke that I am more a geek than previously thought, but the fact is part of loving coffee means you have a bit of geek in you. I have found the same thing in running. I started running, and absorbed everything I could, and now I work in the running specialty industry. Now I am using those same skills and tactics to tackle coffee.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Decaf - Coffeeish
Years ago, when I was the cappuccino maker to the stars, every now and then I would get someone who would order a decaf latte with skim milk and no foam. My knee jerk response was to say, "What's the point?" Of course that would have been rude, and I would have been an unemployed barista.
Decaffeinated coffee is one of those oddities. Growing up it meant Sanka. You remember Sanka right? It's that instant decaf coffee that your mother may have served at dinner parties to people who didn't want coffee at night. It was that small jar of crystals in our freezer, and truly my mom only had it at dinner parties.
Decaf, for those who aren't clear on this, is a process used to extract caffeine from coffee. Yes, I know all of you are giggling and saying, "Come on why do that?" Still there are different processes to remove the caffeine.
The most common method is Swiss Water Process. It truly was developed in Switzerland in the 1930s. These days most of the process is done by The Swiss Water Decaffeinated Coffee Company in British Columbia, Canada. Green Beans are immersed in water to remove the caffeine, but there are some essential oils which could also be removed. With the Swiss Water Process, the green beans are put in water with the desirable oils and properties. The is called Green Coffee Extract(GCE). The GCE is then filtered to only take the caffeine out. This is repeated until the 99% of the caffeine is removed.
I'm going to be honest, I think this is a lot of effort for a cup of coffee which doesn't really taste like coffee to me. I have gone through a decaf stage in my life, and I found very few decafs which actually retained the coffee flavor I liked. God bless Intelligentsia Coffee. At that time they had a decaf I could drink which truly tasted like coffee. It has been about 10 years since I have had decaf, so I hope there are some roasters out there that can get decaf to taste like coffee.
I do think there is one benefit to decaf. Coffee speeds the metabolism(at least temporarily), and I found when I was trying to lose weight, the more coffee I drank, the more I ate(this is before I started running). Drinking decaf gave me the coffee like taste(kind of), without having my pot a day of regular.
Still I go back to my barista thought when I hear someone order decaf - What's the point?
Decaffeinated coffee is one of those oddities. Growing up it meant Sanka. You remember Sanka right? It's that instant decaf coffee that your mother may have served at dinner parties to people who didn't want coffee at night. It was that small jar of crystals in our freezer, and truly my mom only had it at dinner parties.
Decaf, for those who aren't clear on this, is a process used to extract caffeine from coffee. Yes, I know all of you are giggling and saying, "Come on why do that?" Still there are different processes to remove the caffeine.
The most common method is Swiss Water Process. It truly was developed in Switzerland in the 1930s. These days most of the process is done by The Swiss Water Decaffeinated Coffee Company in British Columbia, Canada. Green Beans are immersed in water to remove the caffeine, but there are some essential oils which could also be removed. With the Swiss Water Process, the green beans are put in water with the desirable oils and properties. The is called Green Coffee Extract(GCE). The GCE is then filtered to only take the caffeine out. This is repeated until the 99% of the caffeine is removed.
I'm going to be honest, I think this is a lot of effort for a cup of coffee which doesn't really taste like coffee to me. I have gone through a decaf stage in my life, and I found very few decafs which actually retained the coffee flavor I liked. God bless Intelligentsia Coffee. At that time they had a decaf I could drink which truly tasted like coffee. It has been about 10 years since I have had decaf, so I hope there are some roasters out there that can get decaf to taste like coffee.
I do think there is one benefit to decaf. Coffee speeds the metabolism(at least temporarily), and I found when I was trying to lose weight, the more coffee I drank, the more I ate(this is before I started running). Drinking decaf gave me the coffee like taste(kind of), without having my pot a day of regular.
Still I go back to my barista thought when I hear someone order decaf - What's the point?
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Blogging CoffeeCon2013
My fellow coffee drinkers, as you know I am attending CoffeeCon 2013 in May. This day long university of coffee lectures, labs, demonstrations, and samplings is a rarity for the general public. Normally coffee gatherings are for those in the industry. I believe this is the only one for coffee lovers like you and me.
CoffeeCon has invited me to be one the bloggers to cover the event, and I am honored to do it. I will be able to report on the events of the day. I will have access to the presenters and will interview them. All of this will be reported on this blog, and I will guest blog on CoffeeCon's website.
Keep your eyes open, as I will be giving away tickets to CoffeeCon. Details will follow.
I am thrilled to do this, and am looking forward to the day. You can check out the other bloggers who will also be there -
If you aren't able to attend, I encourage you to look at the schedule of classes and speakers on the CoffeeCon website, and if there is a question you want me to ask, let me know, and I will ask it.
CoffeeCon has invited me to be one the bloggers to cover the event, and I am honored to do it. I will be able to report on the events of the day. I will have access to the presenters and will interview them. All of this will be reported on this blog, and I will guest blog on CoffeeCon's website.
Keep your eyes open, as I will be giving away tickets to CoffeeCon. Details will follow.
I am thrilled to do this, and am looking forward to the day. You can check out the other bloggers who will also be there -
If you aren't able to attend, I encourage you to look at the schedule of classes and speakers on the CoffeeCon website, and if there is a question you want me to ask, let me know, and I will ask it.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Today's Cup of Coffee March 6, 2013
Today I have had two different cups of coffee I want to write about. The first is from my friend Kris, a home roaster. She has given me a Peruvian Organic that I am very excited about. The second is Starbucks Tribute Blend.
The Peruvian Organic is a strong coffee. No worries, this one won't slap you in the face. It will wake you up in the morning. I had some yesterday as well, and I wanted to be sure I tasted what I tasted, so I had another cup today. Same taste.... this is a strong coffee, but with a bright taste, like I might find in a lighter roast. I detected some floral hints(Mark didn't taste it, but I did). For a moment, I thought there was a citrus flavor to it. It almost reminded me of an Orange Blossom Honey. There is a sweetness to this coffee, that I don't often find with darker roasts.
Starbucks has their Tribute Blend. This was created to celebrate their 40th anniversary, but this is not their Anniversary Blend. This is billed as one of their bold roasts, but is reminds me more of a medium roast. This is a blend of Eithiopian, New Guinea and Columbian coffee. I am betting the Columbian gives it the more medium roast taste. There is a an herbal quality to the coffee, but it is not a savory experience. They say there is a dark cherry taste, but I don't find it. I like this coffee, and if they replaced this for the horrible Pike's Blend, I would be a much happier camper.
Two good coffees, but I'll take the home roast any day.
The Peruvian Organic is a strong coffee. No worries, this one won't slap you in the face. It will wake you up in the morning. I had some yesterday as well, and I wanted to be sure I tasted what I tasted, so I had another cup today. Same taste.... this is a strong coffee, but with a bright taste, like I might find in a lighter roast. I detected some floral hints(Mark didn't taste it, but I did). For a moment, I thought there was a citrus flavor to it. It almost reminded me of an Orange Blossom Honey. There is a sweetness to this coffee, that I don't often find with darker roasts.
Starbucks has their Tribute Blend. This was created to celebrate their 40th anniversary, but this is not their Anniversary Blend. This is billed as one of their bold roasts, but is reminds me more of a medium roast. This is a blend of Eithiopian, New Guinea and Columbian coffee. I am betting the Columbian gives it the more medium roast taste. There is a an herbal quality to the coffee, but it is not a savory experience. They say there is a dark cherry taste, but I don't find it. I like this coffee, and if they replaced this for the horrible Pike's Blend, I would be a much happier camper.
Two good coffees, but I'll take the home roast any day.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Rating a Coffee House
Recently Zagat released their report on "the hottest coffee shops around the country." Anytime there is a list, I understand it's subjective. In determining the ratings for these establishments, Zagat uses the following formula, "The reviews in this guide are based on public opinion surveys. The ratings reflect the average scores given by the survey participants, who voted on each establishment." The coffee houses are rated on Food, Decor and Service. The highest score you can get in each category is 30 points. Of question is why aren't they basing the ratings on coffee?
Seven lucky cities got to have their coffee houses judged. Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Washington, D.C. were all picked. No offense to those cities listed, but may I ask why Seattle and Portland were left off the list?
As I was reading the booklet, I paid close attention to the Chicago listings. Since I used to live there, I was eager to see what the folks at Zagat thought.
The first place listed is Cafecito. It is a Cuban themed establishment, and the grading was as follows: Food - 23, Decor- 11, Service 18. The reviews weigh heavily on the food, but the coffee is described as "out of this world." I have to say that doesn't seem like a great score. And it tells me nothing about the coffee really.
Zagat gives Intelligentsia and Julius Meinl nice ratings, but nothing jumps out to me about what the coffee is like. Uncommon Grounds gets the best rating of the Chicago establishments; however, not once is the coffee mentioned.
To be honest I didn't read the other cities. I felt a bit disgusted with what I had already read. If you are reviewing coffee houses, by golly, review the coffee. Yes, I think decor plays a role. If you want to talk about food, that's ok. I want to know what the coffee is like, and how the service is.
If you want to read something which really details coffee establishments, and can answer your true coffee questions I suggest reading "Left Coast Roast" by Hanna Neuschwander. She gives excellent detail of the coffees these places roast and/or serve.
Zagat also provides a list of the "Eight Destination Coffee Meccas"
Sao Paulo
Addis Ababa
I was happy to see I had visited half of the cities in my lifetime. I can say Seattle, Vienna, Roma and Kona all have wonderful coffee houses. Again I might ask - where is Portland?
As I said reviews are subjective, but in the end, if you can't review the coffee, then what's the point of reviewing the establishment?
Seven lucky cities got to have their coffee houses judged. Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Washington, D.C. were all picked. No offense to those cities listed, but may I ask why Seattle and Portland were left off the list?
As I was reading the booklet, I paid close attention to the Chicago listings. Since I used to live there, I was eager to see what the folks at Zagat thought.
The first place listed is Cafecito. It is a Cuban themed establishment, and the grading was as follows: Food - 23, Decor- 11, Service 18. The reviews weigh heavily on the food, but the coffee is described as "out of this world." I have to say that doesn't seem like a great score. And it tells me nothing about the coffee really.
Zagat gives Intelligentsia and Julius Meinl nice ratings, but nothing jumps out to me about what the coffee is like. Uncommon Grounds gets the best rating of the Chicago establishments; however, not once is the coffee mentioned.
To be honest I didn't read the other cities. I felt a bit disgusted with what I had already read. If you are reviewing coffee houses, by golly, review the coffee. Yes, I think decor plays a role. If you want to talk about food, that's ok. I want to know what the coffee is like, and how the service is.
If you want to read something which really details coffee establishments, and can answer your true coffee questions I suggest reading "Left Coast Roast" by Hanna Neuschwander. She gives excellent detail of the coffees these places roast and/or serve.
Zagat also provides a list of the "Eight Destination Coffee Meccas"
Sao Paulo
Addis Ababa
I was happy to see I had visited half of the cities in my lifetime. I can say Seattle, Vienna, Roma and Kona all have wonderful coffee houses. Again I might ask - where is Portland?
As I said reviews are subjective, but in the end, if you can't review the coffee, then what's the point of reviewing the establishment?
Friday, March 1, 2013
CoffeeCON 2013
How many of you have heard about ComicCon? This is the annual love fest of all things fantasy and sci-fi. Usually it involves people dressed as anything in the George Lucas or Gene Rodenberry universes. Coffee Geeks, you have your convention now- CoffeeCON!
Fans of the Java and all things coffee will gather on May 4 in Warrenville, IL for a day of demonstrations, lectures, cuppings, and more information than you can imagine. Here are some of the classes which will be in session that day:
Pour Over Methods
Chemex Brewing Lab
The Importance of Correct Grinding
How to Host a Cupping Party
Turkish Coffee Preparation
There will be special guests. One of the guests is George Howell, a pioneer in the specialty coffee world, will present a coffee tasting lab, which is designed to better educate us on what truly goes into a quality cup of coffee. Howell opened the Coffee Connection at Harvard in the 1970s, and really created the specialty coffee genre. Among other things he created the Frappuccino. He sold his business to Starbucks, and has since created the George Howell Coffee Company.
CoffeeCon is an event for anyone who loves coffee. Whether you are a seasoned coffee geek, or someone who craves more than instant coffee, this is for you. Right now registration is $10. Come on....what a deal.
For more information go to.....
I am looking forward to going!
Fans of the Java and all things coffee will gather on May 4 in Warrenville, IL for a day of demonstrations, lectures, cuppings, and more information than you can imagine. Here are some of the classes which will be in session that day:
Pour Over Methods
Chemex Brewing Lab
The Importance of Correct Grinding
How to Host a Cupping Party
Turkish Coffee Preparation
There will be special guests. One of the guests is George Howell, a pioneer in the specialty coffee world, will present a coffee tasting lab, which is designed to better educate us on what truly goes into a quality cup of coffee. Howell opened the Coffee Connection at Harvard in the 1970s, and really created the specialty coffee genre. Among other things he created the Frappuccino. He sold his business to Starbucks, and has since created the George Howell Coffee Company.
CoffeeCon is an event for anyone who loves coffee. Whether you are a seasoned coffee geek, or someone who craves more than instant coffee, this is for you. Right now registration is $10. Come on....what a deal.
For more information go to.....
I am looking forward to going!
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